Marking ink

• For document identification, ink and ink pad

Marking ink - C6830001: Oil-free ink for marking and identification of documents. For non-inked felt stamp and rubber stamp. Color: black. Available in 25 ml bottle. Available in 1 L can: contact us. Cleaning solution Nettol - C6830003: solvent for rubber stamp cleaning. Available in 125 ml bottle. Non-inked felt pad - C6830004: felt pad to deposit rubber stamp after inking, the ink required to mark a document. Dimensions: 160 x 90 mm. Solvent Dispenser Bottle - C4477020X: Translucent metering bottle made of high density polyethylene. Provides small amounts of solvent for the restorer at the touch of a button. Available in three sizes: 120, 180 and 240 ml. Brush with water reserve - C447011X: the brush with water reserve allows application of liquid product without it being necessary to soak the tip continuously. Very versatile use for small restoration work. Can be used for the application of solvents, detergents .... except for alkane, alkene and ketone. Available in three different tips: very thin, thin and medium. Features: made of polyethylene, polypropylene and nylon.

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PIECE C6830010 Visible Price Once Connected Visible Price Once Connected On Order Login
L 120 x P 80 mm PIECE C6830030 Visible Price Once Connected Visible Price Once Connected On Order Login
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