A new heritage showcase at the Bavay Antique Forum

The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Bavay Antique Forum to be closed, unfortunately like all French museums.
The management of the Forum Museum then decided to rethink and renovate certain parts of the permanent exhibition route.
2000 years ago, Bagacum (Bavay in Roman times) was the capital of the city of the Nervians. Located in the Avesnois region, the Ancient Forum of Bavay, the archaeological museum of the Département du Nord, houses the remains of the largest forum discovered in France.
Classified as an archaeological site of national interest and a Historic Monument, the forum, with its 2.5 hectares, is one of the largest in the entire Roman Empire.
The true heart of the city, the Roman forum concentrated political, judicial and religious activities. The Museum of the Ancient Forum offers a permanent visit which exhibits a total of 800 objects, all discovered in Bavay. These objects allow visitors to imagine life in the Roman style: housing, religious practices, games and food.
In order to highlight the decorative elements found in the tripartite forum, Madame Mary, the museum's director, has rethought the presentation of the fragments found in an approach combining graphics, plinths and preventive conservation.
Promuseum responded to the call for tenders by offering a heritage display case that is completely inert and airtight, with a compartment for desiccant and equipped with dimmable LED lighting that does not emit heat or UV rays.
We also took care of all the interfaces, both with the building manager for the power supply and with the museum's usual service provider for direct printing on the removable bottom of the display case. Drilling was anticipated for the integration of a relative humidity and temperature controller.
Finally, fifteen or so fragments of bas-reliefs, statues and bronze have been placed on the printed background, the graphics of which contribute to the reading of the works. These Roman remains include a griffin bas-relief, a lion bas-relief and numerous fragments of statues.
The aesthetics of the proposed case allowed the visitor to be fully satisfied by guaranteeing the best conditions of preventive conservation for the works.
Promuseum would like to thank the entire team at the Bavay Museum for this collaborative, interactive and constructive work, which was a success in the eyes of all. Our know-how takes on its full meaning in this type of specific and personalised project.
You can take a virtual tour of the Bavay Antique Forum and discover our showcase on: https://forumantique.fr/visite-virtuelle
Un projet Promuseum/Archa