Explosion in Beirut: Promuseum contributes to help Sursock Museum

On 4 August, a double explosion hit the port of Beirut and devastated a large part of the Lebanese capital.
The Sursock Museum, the capital's only museum of modern art, suffered extensive damage: the building housing the museum was devastated. Its stained-glass façade was pulverized, the interior was disfigured and 26 works were damaged and need to be restored.
National Heritage Institute has contacted the Promuseum Conservation/Restoration team, in order to get all the material and equiments to conserve the works as quickly as possible and in the best possible conditions.
With the advice of our restoration and conservation expert Mr. Olivier Passas of Passas Consulting, the Promuseum team was able to propose and provide the necessary material within the time limit.
Promuseum, with its large stock and efficient logistics, was able to respond to this demand and allow for the rapid dispatch of materials to Lebanon.
The rescue mission for these works was coordinated by the National Heritage Institute and carried out with the help of Caroline Gelot, conservator-restorer at the INP, who visited the site and was able to begin work on the restoration of these works on paper very quickly.
To enable these restorations to be carried out, the Sursock museum needed protective equipment for the restorers (gloves, overalls) and packaging (boxes and pouches).
The conservator-restorer has therefore selected for the museum among our leading products :
Latex or nitrile gloves as well as Tyvek® suits that will allow the use of toxic or dirty products (such as inks or solvents) without risk, but also cotton gloves, useful in handling documents to preserve them from any trace of prints and dirt.
They also chose large format compact cardboard storage boxes to be mounted, in accordance with the ISO 16245, type A conservation standard. They will enable the works to be kept in optimal conditions while awaiting their restoration.
The quality, appreciated by user customers and essential for the preservation of the drawings, as well as the immediate availability of the range of leading products, were the main reasons for this choice. In fact, the trust placed in Promuseum is often rewarded with fast deliveries guaranteed by large stocks managed in real time throughout the year.
And Promuseum also offers, for enhanced service quality, the establishment of an annual framework agreement to guarantee the immediate availability of the referenced products and to offer the most attractive pricing possible.
Photo credit: ©INP