• Microchamber technology: acts actively against oxidative gases
• Neutrality and permanent stability
Cardboard with the ability to fight the following oxidizing gases: ozone (produced by UV rays), formaldehyde (in tobacco smoke), ammonia (contained in household cleaning products) and acetic acid (in all papers during their aging). All these gases combine with moisture and create liquid acids that attack the document and damage it. Artcare® cardboard contains "zeolites" that trap external contaminating molecules and prevent them from harming. These chemical compounds act like carbon filters and eutralis the external pollutants to the cardboard while preserving the colors all their brilliance. It's Microchamber technology. In addition to guaranteeing neutrality and permanent stability, Artcare® cartons: • Slowly reduce fading • Stop the deterioration of the paper on which the work is executed • Extend the life of inkjet prints
White core cardboard, alphacellulose pure paste, pH 8.5, pigmented color, white beveled. Available in 2 sizes 81 x 101 cm and 101 x 152 cm, in thickness 14/10 °. Price per sheet sold by packing by 5 or 2 sheets. Prices of other colors than white, consult us.